Impact on Society
Ever since Craig Venter released the news of the creation of the world's first synthetic microbe, society has responded with a wave a concern and fear for this new technology. This social impact coincides with that of genetic engineering and stem cells. All it did was augment the public's fear of the imminent destruction of the world by a sociopath insane enough to let loose a torrent of synthetic microbes capable of infecting the population. In order to better educate the public, many institutions like Harvard have developed courses that delve deep into the mysteries of the synthetic microbe. Even so, the public have remained more cautious around this revolutionary innovation.
Impact on Daily Life
As all technology, risks and benefits of the synthetic microbe would soon be shared by all. However, in its developing stage, the risks are currently shouldered by the researchers and sponsors. Both of these groups will lose everything, including face, if the technology turns out to be a flop or works too well. These groups also stand to lose money if this doesn't work. However, to the contrary, if this venture proves successful, these people would be hailed as heroes and honored as cracking the code of the synthetic microbes.
As for the citizens of society, they can either benefit or lose financially by investing in synthetic biology companies. Also, if a virulent microbe is accidentally released, everyone would face the consequences.
Change of Mentality
In recent years, the public's view on this technology has yet to waver from its wary mentality. There has been no time for these opinions to change because of the relative newness of this technology. Also, because of media influence, the fear and suspicion of revolutionary technology like this has been ignited and refuse to give way to acceptance. Also, with the recent events in stem cells and other controversial technology, these biotech fields are generally associated with the words "controversial and deadly".
Today, only the researchers and sponsors are able to play a role in the development of synthetic microbes. The ordinary consumer can not and will not play a role in this field until the general release of this technology. When this technology is released, the ordinary member of society can either buy products involving the use of synthetic microbes which can soften the mentality of the public or invest in the companies and non-profit organizations utilizing this technology to better the lives of society.
The Average Person
Benefits and Risks on the Social Classes of Society
Because of the recent expose of some of the secrets behind synthetic microbes, many people have been profoundly affected by this knowledge. The knowledge of a researcher's new ability to create new forms of life out of nothing with the help of computers and current technology. The public is also now aware of the various benefits and risks this innovation poses to all of humanity. Whether for the good of all, or the cause of our demise, synthetic microbes are soon going to play a major role in the daily life of a person.
As previously stated in this website, this technology has yet to test itself through the rigors of the fickle public. So, the daily life of people in the US and other countries are currently not affected, in exception to the mentality of these people. In the future, these people could either benefit or be harmed from synthetic microbes. These people can benefit from the cheaper materials and goods these microbes can synthesize. Also, these people can, especially those in smog-filled cities of China, benefit from the bio-remediation abilities of synthetic microbes. However, the only downside to this is the constant fear of an outbreak or release of microbes that could inevitable destroy the world.